When should I call 911?
When there is an emergency, lives are in danger, serious injury, serious medical condition, crime in progress, or any other situation needing
immediate attention. At all other times please do not call 911, call our business line (516) 326-6400. Be prepared to answer the following
questions: What is the problem? Where is the problem? What is the telephone number you are calling from? What is your name and address?
Please realize you may be put on hold while the dispatcher is contacting officers in the field, please stay on the line unless you are in
imminent danger.
What should I do if I see a crime occurring?
Call 911 immediately.
Be observant and make mental notes.
Are there any weapons involved?
What is the address?
Any physical characteristics such as height, weight, race, beard, or scars?
Any clothing description?
How many people involved?
Are the persons involved on foot or in a vehicle?
Do I have to give my name when I call 911?
If you wish to remain anonymous or keep information confidential just tell the operator.
What are the overnight parking regulations in the village?
Parking of motor vehicles on all roads between the hours of 3 a.m. and 5 a.m. is prohibited. Permission may be granted on a limited daily
basis by stopping by Police Headquarters and filling out a Parking Permission Request Form. A copy of this form may be downloaded from this
website and personally handed to Police Desk personnel. Unless access to your driveway is blocked due to construction DO NOT CALL for
Can I park my car in parking lots overnight?
There are metered lots located on Holland Ave, Spooner St, Creedmoor Spur, Caroline Pl, and Magnolia Ave, that provide for 24-hour parking.
The village does offer permits for overnight parking in village lots with infomation on the Floral Park Village Website.
Do I need a permit for my alarm system?
Yes. Any alarm system, except those installed in motor vehicles, that requires a response by Police Department personnel must obtain a
permit within 10 days of installation.
A copy of the Alarm Permit Application must be mailed to:
You may register online through our Alarm Management Program Citizen Portal
Failure to notify the department of the installation, or of changes in that information may result in a $100 fee for each false activation.
What should I do if I activate my alarm in error?
Ensure that your central station service is aware the activation was in error so they do not notify police. Call the Floral Park Police if you can
not get in contact with your central station. False alarm activations may result in the following penalties:
1st False Alarm $25 (Waived upon completion of Alarm School online)
2nd False Alarm $50
3rd False Alarm $100
4th False Alarm $200
5th or more False Alarm(s) $250
If you are having a mechanical problem with your alarm, have it addressed immediately and advise your central station and the police
department that you do not wish to have police respond.
Where can I access Village Code information?
The Code of the Village of Floral Park can be accessed through the village website.
Inc. Village of Floral Park Alarm Program
PO Box 141536
Irving, TX 75014.
• For a Residential alarm:
• The registration fee is $50.
• The annual renewal is $25.
• For a Commercial alarm:
• The registration fee is $100.
• The annual renewal is $50.
Where can I get my fingerprints taken?
The Floral Park Police Department will take fingerprints for village residents only
if an inked hard copy of the prints is acceptable. There is no fee for this service.
If you need digitally scanned fingerprints, you may schedule an appointment online
through L-1 Identity Solutions and have them taken at the following locations:
Hempstead: 250 Fulton Ave, 6th Fl.
M-F 8:30am - 6:30pm
Hicksville: 600 West John St.
M,Tu,W,F 10:00am - 4:00pm; Th 10:00am - 7:00pm; Sa 10:00am - 2:00pm
Hauppauge: 140 Adams Ave, Suite B13
M,Sa 10:00am - 1:30pm; W,F 10:00am - 5:30pm
Jamaica: 90-24 161 St.
M-F 7:00am - 5:00pm; Sa 10:00am - 2:00pm